FusionReactor Observability & APM


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FusionReactor Ultimate features

Improve performance and instantly find critical issues

With FusionReactor Ultimate you can fix errors and performance issues 5x faster

FusionReactor Ultimate enables you to quickly find bugs and performance issues in your app, server, or database and get alerts when things go bad. Developers using FusionReactor Ultimate have cut Mean Time To Repair in half.

Code Profiler – Isolate Performance Problems

FusionReactor’s integrated low-overhead Code Profiler – is the perfect tool for identifying poorly performing code in your production environment. Long running requests are automatically profiled and stored for later analysis.
You can profile any requests or transactions which are running on the JVM – e.g. Tomcat, JBoss, WildFly, Glassfish, Jetty etc. ColdFusion applications can also be profiled. See our video and see how quickly you can find code issues.

Event Snapshot – Auto Root Cause Analysis

The Event Snapshots are intended to provide deep level insight whenever a problem, such as an exception or thread latency occurs. Snapshots are triggered automatically. The Event Snapshot displays source code, scope variables, stack trace and logging information at the point the problem occurs; providing everything you need to isolate the issue as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Real-time Thread Profiler – instantly find blocked threads

FusionReactor’s integrated low-overhead Thread Profiler is the perfect tool for seeing real-time thread activity and current state. This allows you to instantly identify blocked threads, as well as allowing you to instantly perform a stack trace or profile of any thread.

Memory Profiler – Spot Memory Leaks

Ultimate Edition features a unique Memory (Heap) Profiler which will let you quickly spot memory issues by using the Memory Profiler to take individual snapshots of the heap and save these locally. A memory snapshot captures profiling data on allocated objects and memory used. Snapshots can easily be compared and differences highlighted to analyze memory usage

Production Debugger – Instantly identify issues

The Production Debugger is safe, secure and has minimal overhead. It gives you all the control you need to interact with your production environment as issues unfold. The insight it provides will revolutionize how you identify problems.
The debugger can also send out an email, containing the complete stack trace PLUS all the scope variables which were set at the moment the breakpoint trigger fires.

Ready to optimize your applications and solve your problems?