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How AI-Based Tools Are Transforming Software Development

Software development has grown enormously and faster than anybody could have ever imagined.  Users are in constant demand for optimized user experience and a personal feel in apps. Designing new products and fine-tuning existing ones are some of the software developers’ tasks and one way of assisting developers to achieve this is through Artificial Intelligence. With AI, software development is most likely going to be made faster, reliable, more comfortable, and ultimately more useful in meeting customized needs. In this article, we will discuss how AI-based tools are transforming software development.

Background to AI

Artificial intelligence has transformed numerous ways in which tasks are handled in various aspects of life. Its evolution has been rapidly changing multiple industries. For most people, when AI is mentioned, the first thought is robotics, however, this isn’t the only applicable use for AI.

It is primarily centered on the simulation of human intelligence in machines so that these machines can smartly mimic and execute commands. The ability to rationalize and take action is a principal distinctive function of AI and could equally be said to be any machine with the inherent trait associated with the human mind, such as reasoning and problem-solving ability. In some ways, you could conclude that AI is an intelligent problem-solving machine crafted to solve simple to complex tasks.

Who uses IA?

Some of the AI-based tools include; Torch, IBM Watson, Azure machine learning, Caffe, CNTK, Deeplearning4j, Keras, Pybrainscikit-learn, swift AI, Tensor flow, and Theano. It’s application spans through the health sector, finance, and automotive industry. Its influence on web development has helped greatly too.

In the health sector, the introduction of 5G service, coupled with AI, has made surgical procedures easier and better handled in operation rooms across China and other developed countries. In the finance sector, AI can easily spot and flag fraudulent activities.

It can also aid traders in market predictions. In a similar vein, the TESLA self-driving cars are installed with AI, which can detect and prevent eventual collision against other external bodies. The constant evolution of AI has made some of its old self distasteful.

Evolution of Artificial Intelligence

The constant evolution of AI has seen it move further and further away from its original uses. With the continuous advancement in technology, the ancient landmark of what truly defined AI has shifted. For instance, essential functions or recognition of text through optical character recognition are no longer considered to embody artificial intelligence as it has been seen and acknowledged a vital computer function.

Accessing the Critical Role of AI in Software Development

Some of the critical areas of influence include; design, code generation, and testing.

STAGE1 – Requirement Gathering: Here, AI is fed with natural language. The aspect of AI responsible for processing natural language will process the inputted language and translate it into a language the machine can understand. This stage equally dwells on the detection of loopholes before progressing to the design stage. This stage requires maximum human intervention.

STAGE2 – Software Design: With an artificial intelligence design assistant (AIDA), developers can understand the need of the client and make full use of the insight to make projects that meet the demand of the client. With AIDA, several software designs undergo a combination where alternatives can be examined and the appropriate design customized to meet the client’s needs.

STAGE3 – Code Generation: The amount of energy and thinking involved in coding can be demanding so an AI intelligence programming assistant can be instructed in the natural language to understand then transform it into executable code.

STAGE4 – Testing: Testing is a critical aspect of software development that cannot be overlooked. This is crucial as it guarantees the quality of the product. Some of the AI tools utilized for testing include;Testimonials.io, Appvance, function, etc. These tools automate testing.

STAGE5 – Deployment Control: This is the stage where applications are upgraded to newer versions. If there is an error during the upgrade, there could be an issue in running such an application. AI can be adopted to prevent developers from such grave failure.

The influence of AI on software development is enormous and cannot be taken for granted. The benefits include;

  1. Enhanced data security
  2. Easy identification of errors and bugs
  3. Prompt project delivery and proper time management
  4. Accuracy of estimates using historical data

Conclusion – How AI-Based Tools Are Transforming Software Development

In conclusion, artificial intelligence has high potentials of turning things around in the right direction. It is predicted to make more impacts on the creation and design of the software. Software companies could seize the opportunity to invest in AI in the game of software development as AI is predicted to change the way software is developed and equally the nature of software itself.

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