Discounted CF2021 price and Free FusionReactor APM Software
If you are looking to purchase CF 2021 then this is the perfect time as not only do we sell ColdFusion at a discounted price; we will also give you a FusionReactor Developer license annual subscription for free with CF purchase. Head on over to our sister site Buy-adobe-software.com
FusionReactor is built for monitoring ColdFusion
FusionReactor is the APM of choice for CFML, is recommended by Adobe, and the Developer Edition usually retails for $228. FusionReactor is the ultimate APM for ColdFusion, CFML, and Java delivering you the ability to spot performance issues and exceptions in minutes.
No other tool gives you the same level of detail for all editions and versions of CF, with over 40 specific ColdFusion real-time metrics, including active sessions, the number of current sessions, app scope size, hit counts, DB pool stats (detailed metrics for DSN’s) + much more. ColdFusion Metrics are available for ColdFusion 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, CF 2018 and CF 2021
- Back Friday promotion will run until 31 December 2020.
- Free FusionReactor Developer edition with a one-year annual license, with the purchase of CF
- Your FusionReactor Developer license will be emailed to you once your purchase is complete